Mon, Dec, 2021
by Nicolas Strybosch

Industry 4.0 Solutions: TeamAssurance & FitMachine

The number of applications and platforms we utilise to complete our work is consistently growing. The growing specificity of many technologies to support us very well in a specific area (rather than averagely in many) means our technology stacks are blowing out. This is evident no matter your industry.

That’s why integration capability is so important when we assess new options for our respective tech stacks. Leveraging the power of one system in another, when it is most useful, is crucial. The ability to visualise, and make sense of, the data we collect from our disparate systems should be a top priority. After all, in order to achieve that elusive flow, you need the right information at the right time.

That’s why TeamAssurance is dedicated to making our Daily Management System as flexible and open to your core systems as possible. So we thought we’d take a moment to hone in on our integration with MOVUS FitMachine.

What is a FitMachine?

FitMachine is a continuous condition monitoring sensor and cloud platform for critical plant equipment. The platform incorporates an AI and Machine Learning layer to enable instant alerts for errant machine condition ahead of failure. Plus, users can deep dive into machine data with powerful features like FFT Waterfall Charts, Utilisation Patterns and Audio Recreation. FitMachine eliminates unplanned downtime, facilitates a predictive condition based maintenance approach and focuses teams on priority tasks.

Leveraging Equipment Data in Your DMS

So how can you make the most of this asset health integration within TeamAssurance? Here are just some of the ways our connector benefits operations and maintenance teams:

Make Equipment Condition Data Visible

  • Eliminate information silos between operations and maintenance teams by making real-time and historical condition data available to all staff.
  • Reduce the risk of a single point of failure.
    • E.g a person receiving a SMS and forgetting it because of other, more urgent tasks.
  • Utilise visual equipment condition reports in the daily huddle for an up-to-date, at-a-glance view of your assets’ health.

Home Page on FitMachine Dash

  • Expedite problem-solving by including machine health data in your a3 templates. Leverage the entire team’s knowhow to diagnose issues and take action,

AI Output Chart FitMachine

Standardise and Prioritise Tasks

  • Raise actions in your DMS immediately (and automatically) when equipment issues are identified.

Incidents Raised Automatically in DMS

  • Utilise condition data to build comprehensive, standardised checklists for maintenance work.
  • Eliminate redundant inspections. Allow your frontline maintenance staff to focus on the equipment that requires the most attention.

Enhance Reporting

  • Incorporate alarm feedback and comments into your visual management reports.
  • Add depth to your progress reports with visual data around your equipment utilisation patterns, increases / decreases to equipment health.

Health Overview in FitMachine

These are just some ways can incorporate equipment data into the DMS with our FitMachine integration. Thanks to our robust API suite, if you can dream it – we can build it!

Enhancing the Entire C.I Framework Through Key Integrations

No one process or system should be optimised in isolation – this includes integrations. Always consider how development of one element can affect, and support, adjacent processes. Our goal should always be to develop a holistic Tiered Daily Management process that can handle the full PDCA loop to deliver on our continuous improvement goals.

To do so, the Daily Management System must be strengthened by any integrations, not hindered by them. This means ensuring that data flows openly, there are no siloes of information and people can access information as its needed.

The illustration below shows how we designed an interconnected platform that ensures there are no disconnected ‘Point Solutions’ (digital or analog) that can hinder organisations form achieving their objectives. This includes being flexible enough to integrate with other systems to achieve synergistic results.

TeamAssurance Connected Systems Chart

If you’d like to discuss the MOVUS integration, or any of our platform integration capabilities, contact our team today.